AVESTOM publishes bird news from NorthEast Poland as well as some birding trip reports, tips and site description. Feel free to contact me at tomaszkulakowski@gmail.com

Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 GRUDZIEN fotonotes

27 XII W okolicach Ostrówka (gm Szudziałowo) śniegu brak, chociaż mróz solidny. Ptactwa niewiele - ok 100 makolągw koło Sukowicz, myszołów włochaty w Rachowiku. Koło Jurowlan łoś, o 26 XII było stado żubrów. W modrzewiach na S od Krynek brak jakichkolwiek śladów krzyżodziobów

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2014 FotoNotes - Bird news in English

1 October. Frosty at Siemianowka Lake - 0 C at the sunrise. Flocks of Cranes departing from their roost. Some waders (Dunlin, Spotted Redshanks) at large mudflats. One or two Red-throated Pipits
Immature Pomarine Skua remains at Siemianowka main dam near Bondary. Previously also accompanied by second juvenile - very tame!

Influx of Red-footed Falcon in Poland is also recorded in our region. Groups of 3-8 birds in Biebrza, Narew (Lazy), Siemianowka area but also flocks reaching 30 birds in Gora on 15th Sep.

10 Aug
First groups/families of raptors appeared over fields near Ostrowek - 8 Buzzards, 1-2 Lesser Spotted Eagles, 1 Montagu's Harrier

7 Aug - new breeding site of Whooper Swan near Belarus border. Small pond surrounded by large fields with a pair + 5 young swans.

31st May - single Woodchat Shrike near Piaski/Tykocin photographed by D.Ehlert. Sole record in Poland in 2014

End of May and beginning of June is always a good time for Greenish Warblers (already some 6-8 records) and Blyth's Reed Warbler (1-2 recorded in 2014).

Three Marsh Sandpipers were recorded in Brzostowo on Friday 30/5. We even saw one individual briefly on the evening before. One singing Greenish Warbler in the "Square Park" in Goniadz 25th of May. Two Greenish Warbler in Palace Park in Bialowieca on 27-28 Of May. (Kjell Anderson)

Single Grey Wagtail in Bialowieza - rare visitor in the area on 10 V

Dotterels again recorded near Ostrowek, Orla (11 ind on 1st May).

On 4th May possible SLENDER BILLED GULL in Biebrza Marshes - second record for the area, 4th for Poland if accepted
2-3 May single Black-winged Stilt at Siemianowka Lake

1 IV udana obserwacja ŚWISTUNA AMERYKAŃSKIEGO (Anas americana) wykrytego kilka dni wcześniej przez D.Dydo. Pierwszy wyjazd nieudany, drugi o świcie zakończony sukcesem. Ptak żerował z innymi kaczkami w towarzystwie samicy (też amerykańskiej? tu nie ma pewności).


8 IV na stawach Dojlidzkich w Białymstoku na wieczornym zlocie 15 mew żółtonogich przebywających wśród około 1500 śmieszek (kolonia). Mewy żółtonogie w zwartej grupce.

27 IV Krynki
Na polach koczuje od pewnego czasu stadko 95 żurawi, zaś obok Ostrówka nadal ok 100 siewek złotych. Również pojedynczy odzywający się bąk - od dłuższego czasu tutaj nie widywany

14 March - First Great Grey Owl recorded in Biebrza Marshes near Honczarowska Dam. This species recently started breeding in SE Poland and was recorded in 2013 in Knyszynska Forest, south of Biebrza (fot M.Piklikiewicz)

21 March - my first Lesser White-fronted Goose spotted in Biebrza Valley, briefly but with all necessary features.

(small goose behind Greater White-fronted)
Migrants on their way - Chiffchaff, Curlew, Godwits.

Spring in Narew and Biebrza with numerous Geese, Ducks and Swans.
Strekowa Gora

Bewick Swan

Ania and Oliwier looking for geese

Tawny Owl in Knyszynska Forest (5 other recorded as well as Tengmalms Owls - 6)

25 Feb  - Pygmy Owl at a feeder in Zednia, Knyszynska Forest. Bird could be approached at few meters distance

22 Feb First Bewick Swans, Pink-footed Geese, Beans Geese and Great White Egrets arrived to Biebrza Marshes. Eagle Owl active in Biebrza, Pygmy Owl in Knyszynska Forest

February views from NE Poland:
Aerial view of Narew and Biebrza Junction by Paweł Świątkiewicz. This year floodings are quite large though its hard to predict spring only by this factor

We still have some Two Barred Crossbills near Krynki

Saturday, December 20, 2014

FotoNotes 2014

Uszatki błotne 10 i 12 grudnia nad Biebrzą koło Gugien i Ciszewa (info K.Henel)